Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Morning After

The morning after: no, this does not refer to walking out of a stranger's house with the previous night's dress half way on and the stench of someone's Axe body spray lingering on your skin. This horrible happenstance is waking up the night after an event where over 500 unnecessary photos were taken, only to find of them posted to Facebook. My reaction usually goes something like this:

Stumble out of bed approximately 1:30 pm. Put off going to the bathroom to check Facebook. Open computer and log on. "Holy crap, 47 new notifications, I'm soooo popular!" Peruse notifications. Find 44 new pictures tagged of yourself. Look through pictures. "EW EW EW! HOW LONG HAVE THESE BEEN UP HERE?!?! I NEED TO LOSE 2,0000 POUNDS!!" Untag yourself in pictures faster than UofA lost their chances of going to a bowl game.

I hate the morning after.

"I'm always looking for meaningful one-night stands." Dudley Moore