I'd rather pull a Britney Spears and shave off my hair than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather eat tofu boiled in 40 year old chicken broth than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather have five beer bottles attached to the fingers on my right hand than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather be stuck in a nursery calling for the rest of my life than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather be immobilized in an outhouse for 8 years with a rabid wolf than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather live in a hut on a deserted island with no one but a babbling Birkahineo native than go to school tomorrow.
I'd rather become an ASU fan than go to school tomorrow.
I really don't want to go back to school tomorrow....
"You can't learn in school what the world is going to do next year." -Henry Ford
hahaha, I really liked the ASU fan one and the nursery calling one! Amy, just go to school... this time next year you will be done and you can create babies and teach piano for the rest of your life. And one day you will be so tired of being a full time mom and piano teacher that you will wish you could go back to school.... LOVE YOU!!!