Sunday, May 22, 2011


Here I am, sitting on the bottom bunk of the bunk-bed that my sister and I share when I come home, pondering about life. The past few weeks for me have been a period of soul searching, yoga doing, and horoscope reading, to finally figuring out that proverbial road in life that I am supposed to take. I remember my freshman year, reading Robert Frost's poem about taking roads and making decisions, that everyone reads at some point during their high school career. Mr. Frost, my only criticism is that there are so many roads other than that initial starting crossroad. I might have started with one road but then that road lead to another road with an infinite number of intersections that I have had to consider. It's a freaking pain in the...butt. I watched the movie Eat Pray, Love the other day, and other than being a horrible movie, I found myself relating to the astounding Julia Roberts. No, I am not going to be leaving my husband, but I needed a change in my life. Well my friends, accounting is no longer my future, and the sky is already bluer and the birds are chirping. I can't get away from what I love any longer. English it will be and I am dang excited for once in a long while. Moral of the story: Life is too short not to do what will make you happy. I am excited to do what will make me happy.

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." -Albert Schweitzer

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Life is so unpredictable. That's something I've definitely learned this year. But eventually we will figure it out and life will be great! Good luck with English!! I love you!
